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Caressing the Night. Vérité @ Zigfrid Von Underbelly, Hoxton

Possibly a final chance to catch the fast-rising songstress Vérité at a small venue (with surfboards).

Verite by CBB

[dropcap style=”font-size:100px; color:#992211;”]W[/dropcap]atching Vérité perform reminded me of a time long ago.

Doing a chilled out end of night/early morning set with the bass blowing low vibrations gently throughVerite by CBB the dark across the beer-stained dancefloor, taking the blue smoke from my slow burning Marlboro with it.

The vibe was cool and fluid, a voice caressing the night, hypnotic and trancelike, it filled me with safety and contentment, like slowly licking honey from breasts of pure alabaster.


I urge you to go and see Vérité at Zigfrid von Underbelly of Hoxton tonight, Tuesday 3rd November.
Verite by CBB

Photos/words by Carl Byron Batson, not to be reproduced without express prior permission.

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