Not for her…
the idolisation of the selfies
the myth of the influencer
the sound-bytes of highly paid anchors
or the empty promises of so many false prophets.
For she is the real article,
untouched by skepticism
driven by her own deeper challenges
to confront the mediocrity of our world
the patchiness of politicians
and the rapacity of the Davos club
that have plundered the only world we inhabit.
For there is no Planet B
as the banners now announce
to the disbelief of the bystanders
and the astonishment of MPs and senators.
You must panic; for time is short
and we have all been sleepwalking
into our own extinction,
without rebelling or even thinking;
just by persisting in our bankrupt traditions
of self-centred consumerism
masticating our Earth like
there is no tomorrow.
Not for her…
the usual trappings of the age:
cheap flights, recreational evasions,
thoughtless consumption, plastic reveries.
She was not made
for the banal celebrity-led likes
of the screened world of her generation.
Forged instead in an unique incarnation
tempered in plain talk,
visionary thoughts and profound imaginings
informed by mental tests
which she turned into strengths and purpose
Not for her…
the lies of a corrupt system,
the indifference of spineless politicians
and grey men of empty virtues and bulging coffers
who thrive in the senseless destruction
of our future
Not for her…
the itineraries of Boeings or the curriculum of colleges,
for she moves at a slower pace
in a different dimension,
and yet, she has already arrived…
Julio Etchart is a documentary photographer, poet and artist.