[dropcap style=”font-size:100px; color:#992211;”]G[/dropcap]ood news for fans of weird music Guapo are (finally) playing another gig!
For those unfamiliar with Guapo imagine a band with the reach of King Crimson with the depth and venom of Henri Mancini. It’s music where shrill sliding tones grate against percussive undercurrents – it’s deep stuff and NOT TO BE MISSED.
On the fly Trebuchet spoke to Guitarist Kavus Torabi about the upcoming gig.
“The show came about because we wanted a London album launch. We have had a fairly long association with Corsica Studios so it seemed like the obvious place to play.”
History of the Visitation was released on January 29th to high acclaim but less attention than it warranted – not for the faint of heart it’s proto ethnic percussion and sound work pushes the overall atmosphere into the realm of imaginative science fiction.
Joining Guapo will be Stars in Battledress an underground supergroup of sort whose swirling ranks on any given night might contain some of the UKs premier outsider instrumentalists (and even some more mainstream artists)
“Stars In Battledress are just a devastatingly good band. As far as I’m concerned they are the best British live band. Their songs are utterly sublime. With just two vocals, a guitar and keyboard they access a realm of imagination and beauty that seems hidden to almost anyone else.”
Guapo currently comprises drummer and founding member David J. Smith with mainstays Kavus Torabi (Cardiacs, Knifeworld) on guitar and James Sedwards (Nøght) on bass, joined by recent addition Emmett Elvin (Chrome Hoof, Knifeworld) on keyboards.
“As well as being the first Guapo gig in four years, this will be the first show with Emmett Elvin, ‘the new boy’, on keys. It’ll also see us playing all new material. It’s propulsive, apocalyptic stuff when we get it right.”
When asked about the particular timing of the gig, Kavus concluded the chat with this emphasis;
“It is not a tribute to Thatcher. There’s a joyfulness in the explosive dissonant tunes that is sadly lacking in her legacy.”
Baba Yaga’s Hut presents:
“We’re kicking off the night with a film screening at 8.15pm sharp!”
Running order:
Doors 8pm
La Jetee 8.15 – 8.45
Stars in Battledress 8.55 – 9.35
Disinformation presents Spellbound 9.45 – 10.05
Guapo 10.15 – 11.15
Thursday 25 April @ Corsica Studios, London. Tickets here.

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. – Aristotle