Make Better Music has been inspiring creative musicians since 2010.
Helmed by academics Dave Graham, the late Stephen Miller and Simon Laffy over the years Make Better Music has covered the aspects of music making that other resources neglect. Namely, the aesthetics of creating music and covering important topics like how to avoid the doubt filled pitfalls and stagnating blockages that result in mediocrity.
Each of these short articles contains several shots of creative wisdom, some pro-tips to make stand-out music, and lots of foundational concepts that help you push your music further.
Turn it up!
Make better music articles
3. Five ways to re ignite your passion for making music
4. Everything I do turns out rubbish
7. Think it over and it will fall down
10. Seven mistakes a creative musician should never make
20. Clarity and complex layers
22. Ask yourself smart questions and make smart decisions
23. Well there’s bad music and then there’s good music
25. The art of your craft or the craft of your art
27. Don’t be constrained by your means
32. Losing your internal music player
33. Re-labelling and pattern shifting
37. Truthful creating truthful listening
44. Polyrhythms the hallmark of complexity
46. Satie, Reich, Schoenberg and the limits
52. Practice vs the software trap
59. It’s not what you put in it’s what you get out
60. Automation and the human form
62. Working out your musical muscles
67. Raw power and sophistication
77. The recording process part two
78. The recording process part three
79. The art of remixing part one
80. The art of remixing part two
If you have any suggestions on topics that Make better music should cover please send ideas to with the subject line ‘Make Better Music Ideas’
David Graham :
Stephen M. Miller :
Simon Laffy