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Cold Feet and Garlic Bread – The Hidden Link

The mechanism in that creates the connection between cold and pain is the same receptor that reacts to the pungent substances in mustard and garlic....

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Are You ‘Beat Deaf’?

Beat-deafness, though very rare, is a problem not simply of how people feel a pulse or move their bodies, but instead, how people synchronize with sounds they hear....

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Dub No Bike With My Head – Dublin Resists Bikes

Participants thought traveling by bike was inconvenient, dangerous, and too hard to deal with in a wet climate...

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All Speed, No Control. Daft Beetles

To take the sprinting gold from the tiger beetle, a person would have to hit 480 miles per hour....

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From the Frozen Aisle : One Entire Bison

The Yukagir bison mummy, as it is named, has a complete brain, heart, blood vessels and digestive system...

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Leaders Need to Look Healthy, Not Intelligent

It it always pays for aspiring leaders to look healthy...

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Milk : Nature’s Stinking Fraud

A high milk intake in women and men is not accompanied by a lower risk of fracture and instead may be associated with a higher rate of death...

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Trick or Treat! A Celebration of Samhain

It is the festival of Samhain from whence our contemporary experience of Hallowe'en stems...

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Text Messages to Combat Malaria

Text message reminders to take malaria medication can help fight the disease by boosting the rates at which patients complete their medication regimen...

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Reflections on Gamergate

There are valid points about censorship and freedom of expression to be made, but this fatally-tainted hashtag isn't an appropriate vehicle for it....

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High Risks and Have a Go Heroes

People who risk their lives to save strangers may do so without deliberation...

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Clueless Millenials Unable to Darn Socks Shocker!

Many high school students are left without basic skills, such as preparing meals and sewing....

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Ebola : A Dog’s Life For Us All

Destroying Excalibur the dog doesn’t bode well for how our governments will respond if there is a major Ebola outbreak outside of Africa....

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Beaver Dams Don’t Damage

A study of the removal of two dams in Oregon suggests that rivers can return surprisingly fast to a condition close to their natural state...

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The Genetics of a Coffee Buzz

Our findings may allow us to identify subgroups of people most likely to benefit from increasing or decreasing coffee consumption for optimal health...

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Our Submerged Ancestors Revealed

Our submerged cultural heritage is not a renewable resource; it is a unique irreplaceable cultural asset...

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Reeves Gabrels UK Tour

Reeves Gabrels, long-time artistic partner of David Bowie and The Cure’s current lead guitarist, brings his power trio, Reeves Gabrels & His Imaginary Fr13nds from Nashville to England...

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Quantum Spin Computing – Almost Here

A new family of oxide-based materials can completely change its behavior based on electrical input...

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More Pain Relief = Shorter Hospital Stays

Better pain control could potentially improve sleep duration...

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Lee Gamble : KOCH

The fractured, inconsistent nature of the work seems to be inherent to Gamble's approach...

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Looking for Johnny Thunders [Film]

Screening and director Q&A of Looking for Johnny Thunders. Details...

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Family Dinners Destroy Cyberbullying

Family dinners may help protect teens from the consequences of cyberbullying. ...

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Home is Where the Germs Are

A detailed analysis of the microbes that live in houses and apartments...

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Tea-drinkers Live Longer

Drinking tea reduces non-cardiovascular mortality by 24%...

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Weed-Smoking Lessens Wife-Beating

634 couples found that the more often they smoked marijuana, the less likely they were to engage in domestic violence...

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Henley Business School Music Industry Grants

A UK Grant available to support SME owners to study an MBA at Henley Business School...

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How Sleeping Makes the Piano Easier

Insight into the role of sleep in learning motor skills requiring new movement sequences....

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Organised Penguins Find Food

Penguins forage in groups, may synchronize their underwater movements, and potentially cooperate ...

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Developer [Interview]

I'm more a DJ for sure but I have truly fallen in love with producing. You can call it a double marriage if you want....

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Dignity of Work Remains, Even When Unpaid

Analysis shows that welfare-to-work schemes indeed increase the life satisfaction, happiness and feelings of life worth of the jobless....

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