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Druids, Magic Mushrooms and Cultural Memory

Iron Age Druids might have known about and used magic mushrooms even if there's no way of testing it....

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The Beat Instrumental

Without sung text the listener was invited to create an entire narrative based on only the title and the music itself. You had to do a little (imaginative) work. ...

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Hanging Offence : Vitrine, Bermondsey Street

There is nothing better than entering an artist’s studio and just knowing that by collaborating with this person something amazing can be created...

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Pierre Deutschmann : Betroit

It would have been all too easy to attempt this kind of fusion cynically or unimaginatively, but Berliner Pierre Deutschmann manouevres around these traps with great skill....

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Monocentric Lens for Pin-Sharp Surveillance

'Next year, we'll build an 85-megapixel imager with a 120-degree field of view, more than a dozen sensors, and an F/2 lens – all in a volume 'roughly the size of a walnut'...

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De-Strat-Shun : Victoria and Albert Museum

Destroying a Fender Stratocaster and the resultant noise, David Austin performs De-Strat-Shun at the Victoria and Albert Museum...

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Let your fingers do the talking

When the communicator's finger slightly rubs an everyday object, the physical interaction creates an ad hoc speaker that makes it possible to hear the recorded sounds....

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Douglas Dare : Seven Hours [EP]

Devoid of histrionics, of 'emotional' treatments, and of cloying sentimentality. Dare's presentation of the songs is instead factual, crisp and resigned....

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Ker-Schnick! Carbon Nanotube Saw Developed

Science comes one step closer to sci-fi with the development of the carbon-nanotube saw....

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Two-way Killer. Guns Cause Lung Malfunction

Ironic. Fumes from military arms are causing a decline in lung function shortly after firing practice. ...

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What’s in your pee?

Urine analysis using colour, taste and smell (called uroscopy) was one of the primary methods early physicians used to diagnose disease. Even today, millions of chemically based urine tests are...

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Do Pauses in Texting Mean Lies?

We are starting to identify signs given off by individuals that aren't easily tracked by humans...

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The Sorry Tale Of Universal Credit

Any attempt at reforming social security based on the nonsensical myth that unemployed people are responsible for unemployment is bound to end in disaster. ...

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Important podcasts to Improve Your Life.

In podcasts alternative media has become truly democratised: anyone with a point of view can reach an audience (and by repeating the process achieve fame) with little technical knowledge and less...

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Round 2 : The Gagging Law fight.

The latest update and links to more information as well as how you can get involved in the fight against the latest gagging law legislation....

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New Element Discovery Confirmed

Lund University researchers discover new, super-heavy element. As yet un-named, expect to see it prefixing the word 'Metal' in record reviews sometime soon....

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Mice on Cocaine

For mice, "learning about the drug" can mean seeking it out to the exclusion of meeting other needs...

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Video Games (Don’t) Cause Violence Shocker

General forms of youth violence were linked with aggressiveness and stress rather than with video game violence...

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Words and Pictures. Which is Which?

Hearing the word for the object that was being suppressed boosted that object into their vision...

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Somaticae : Catharsis

A totally distinctive set of odd atmospheres, abrupt gear shifts and unique combinations that sticks in the mind...

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The Trouble With Harry

If, by purposeful default, the authorities allow the streets to become a cesspit, don’t be surprised if the people secretly long for the protection of a Police State...

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Simon Fowler : Interview

Using a style reminiscent of Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer, Fowler's labour intensive work has complemented the avant garde work of Dub and Bass group The Bug, doom sonicists Sun O))), Jap-rock...

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A dormant thread in old blues (Vintage Trouble)

'All bullshit aside, these are bands that are taking the road that we've taken, which is real raw recorded music'. Vintage Trouble talk. ...

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Philip K Dick : An Adapted Man

As far as adaptations of Philip K Dick’s work go there are not as many as you might think...

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Green Tea Protest Lemonade

Drink the green, clean your pipes, cool yourself off and beat back the military-industrial complex in one fell swoop with Trebuchet's Green Tea Lemonade....

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Avoiding Brain-Damaged Cheerleaders

neurocognitive assessment could be a useful tool to evaluate when cheerleaders with concussion have returned to normalized baseline measures...

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How to Achieve a Well-Balanced Gut

Healthy bio-flow. Or how to have good poos. In the absence of kale-shakes, Trebuchet news reports....

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Why Bullies Become Businessmen

Greed is good. Research shows anti-social tendencies exist throughout the lives of successful entrepreneurs....

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Randall Dunn Interview

I don't think that the world has become a horrible place. I think that we should be more aware of now rather than some idea of the future. ...

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Adam X (Traversable Wormhole) : Interview

'There was a strict agenda, but only in terms of designing it to being spatial and outer worldly-sounding.' Traversable Wormhole's Adam X talks to Codex Europa...

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