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Cup colour influences the taste of hot chocolate

Two researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Oxford have proven that hot chocolate tastes better in an orange or cream coloured cup than in a white or red one....

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Computers push molecules

Berkeley Lab bioscientists and their colleagues decipher a far-reaching problem in computer simulations....

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Evolution of a Classic [Folk Music]

The sipsi is a small reedpipe, played using circular breathing, with a wild and thrilling sound. I was immediately captivated by the lumpy nine-time rhythms and mind-boggling technique....

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Girls better at school, worse at tests

Why do girls get better grades in elementary school than boys—even when they perform worse on standardized tests?...

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The Benefits Cap: Four Things We Have Learned

The Conservatives’ only hope is an improvement in economic growth, and as their actions have cut rather than encouraged consumer spending, this grows ever more unlikely....

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Get moving on those resolutions

For those short on time, aerobic, not resistance, exercise is best bet for weight, fat loss...

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You’re Kidding! Portuguese Goat Stew [Recipe]

Just taste it. A warming hug of a stew, but with all of the ornery attitude, cunning, fastidiousness and bravado of the animal that went into it....

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Head kids, hurt bad

Second impact syndrome: A devastating injury to the young brain. Science shows that it's more or less okay to band kids on the head once. ...

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Space travel is harmful to the brain

As if space travel was not already filled with enough dangers, a new study out today in the journal PLOS ONE shows that cosmic radiation could accelerate the onset of Alzheimer's disease....

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Our Ancestors: Social Climbers or downright loafers?

Did humans really come down from the trees or did we have to come down from the trees to become human? ...

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On Porn and Prostitution

The market in education meant a market in women’s bodies. The welfare cuts meant a market in women's bodies. The social work cuts meant an expansion to the market for young men's, women's, and...

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Relax. You Can Change

young people, middle-aged people and older people all believe that they have changed a lot in the past -- but that they will change relatively little in the future....

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Higher, Drunker, Faster: Female Students Binge-Drinking

The amount drunk per unit of time is higher among women. In other words, even though male students drink more often, females do so more intensively in shorter periods of time...

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In Defence of Music

I am here in defence of music. Of music music---not social music sites, not music apps, not the ability to stream, or the ability to store songs in the cloud. I am here to extol the delicious,...

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The trick of getting a lift is not in persuading someone to stop. It is in being at exactly the right place at the right time such that the person who would give you a lift and is heading your way...

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Go Fly a Kite

And don't kites just lend themselves to metaphor? They punctuate the sky, return it to a human scale. They hug the wind. Our minds can't help but follow them up into the empyrean; watching them, we...

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New Galaxy Found! and it glows green…

Many galaxies have a giant black hole at their centre that causes the gas around it to glow. However, in the case of green bean galaxies, the entire galaxy is glowing, not just the centre....

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The Christmas spirit

As the nights draw in and the temperature begins to drop, many of us will be thinking of ways to warm up on the dark winter nights. However, few would think that remembering days gone by would be an...

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Vhils: Devoid

Regardless of any predisposition against doors, Vhils latest exhibition is deep, rich and amazingly crafted. ...

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Origin of intelligence and mental illness linked to ancient genetic accident

Scientists have discovered for the first time how humans – and other mammals – have evolved to have intelligence...

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Tomahawk! Patton and Co release new Video: Stone Letter

Tomahawk's video for "Stone Letter" the first single from their forthcoming album Oddfellows, is here! ...

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Don’t Sweat, Shake

Mild vibrations may provide some of the same benefits to obese people as exercise ...

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Invisibility: Somebody Else’s Problem

A new UCLA psychology study shows that people often do not recall things they have seen — or at least walked by — hundreds of times....

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Grapefruit Kills

'Adverse effects include sudden death, acute kidney failure, respiratory failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, bone marrow suppression' Headsup on grapefruit/prescription drug combinations....

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The Tribes of Britain

To be an activist is to suffer defeat after defeat after defeat. Without spirituality to recharge and revive us the danger is we fall into bitterness or despair or worse, self-righteousness. ...

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Naive Fish Make Easy Prey

Big fish that have grown up in marine reserves don't seem to know enough to avoid fishers armed with spear guns waiting outside the reserve....

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SWN Festival

A brilliant little festival. Lots going in on, all within a stone's throw....

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English Grads: Less Useless Than You Thought

'is there any research on how unemployable an English graduate is? As it happens, yes.' ...

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Can ‘Khan’ Oral – Angels of Disguise

As a jumping-off point for facetious gasbagging of just about any moral, political, religious or personal viewpoint, pornography is a gift to the commentator in love with the sound of his or her own...

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A Brave New World of Sugar and Caffeine

Sugar mouthwash makes you more motivated, caffeine improves your cognitive function, and fermented-sugar ethanol will convert the schoolrun into an environmentally friendly activity, wafting the...

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