digital art

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Protests, Parties, Pointillism. (Römer + Römer)

Berlin-based neo-pointillist duo appear at Hastings festival in September. Preview...

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One More Way Your Phone Makes You STOOPID. Digital Media and Abstract Thinking

Digital media may be changing how you think. New study finds users focus on concrete details rather than the big picture...

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Got the time on yer, cock? Digital e-Skin display Developed

Ultrathin organic material enhances e-skin display ...

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Stimulating the Simulcra. Can Humans be Trusted With Artificial Intelligence?

Can such a flawed race create anything but accelerated evil? Examining free will, AI technology, and addictive stimulus....

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Digital Practise Makes Reality Perfect. Yes, motion-controlled video games help you learn.

Motion-controlled video games may improve real world skills ...

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I Can’t Do that, Dave. Artificial Intelligence, Dada and the Ethics of Perception

Are humans worthy to create more powerful beings 'in our own image'? Essay....

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Sure we can, but SHOULD we? Digital Head and the Ethics of Intelligence

Examining the unpredictable and disruptive possibilities contained within new technologies...

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Hanging Offence – Investigating Art Curation

Investigating contemporary art curation the Hanging offence series has interviewed a number of gallerists, large and small, from around the globe. Despite the broad democratisation of art curation...

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Heads Up! Ways to Recognise Phonebies and Digital Deadwalkers

Distracted Walking: a Serious Issue for You, not Me...

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Not Painless. Stuart Semple’s ‘My Sonic Youth’ Addresses Male Suicide

If you're male and under 45, suicide is your most likely cause of death. Stuart Semple's recent project My Sonic Youth addresses the issue....

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‘The denseness of the work creates a mystery’ Russell Miller’s Dark Art

After his exhibition at Studio 73 in London, we catch up with the dark and macabre comic artist, Russell Miller ...

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A Hypocrite’s Guide to the Internet (Part two)

Drew Michael walks us through more examples of our own miserable double-think....

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The Smartphone Skillset

The digital technology we use on a daily basis shapes the sensory processing in our brains ...

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Fretful Smartphone Loss Trauma IS REAL!

The loss of one's smart phone not only represents an immediate disconnection from one's online contacts but is also a potential privacy and security risk...

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Automatic Art : Human & Machine Processes Make Art

A historical overview of computation systems, the symbolic basis of process thought....

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Trioscapes : Digital Dream Sequence

Throbs with a primal, sweaty and utterly invigorating energy that transcends jazz, funk, metal or rock...

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Edible Art Movement (Singapore) : Rice

Edible Art Movement undertake to grow rice in central Singapore....

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Now the Party’s Over. 2013

What happens if something good happens at the close of year? How can we definitively say what were the highlights of 2013 until it has actually finished? ...

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Applied Carpe Diem : Part 2

What makes a person choose whether or not to end one’s own life? It comes back to that tradeoff, I suppose, between quality vs. quantity....

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Aesthetics and the Art of Audio Field Recording

'What is the artistic element of so seemingly ‘passive’ an activity as pointing a mic and pushing the record button?' Steven Miller teaches us how to record, and how to listen....

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Martin Bedard : Topographies

Anyone seeking innovative and forward-thinking electronic music need look no further; the energy and imagination displayed in this collection puts many younger producers to shame...

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Helen Knowles : GV ART [Exhibition Details]

Knowles selects footage that portrays the women’s euphoria and attempts to capture the intense emotion of childbirth ...

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Henry Diltz Interview [Part 2]

It was all peace and love; let the universe decide, do it the right way. That’s the way life should be and maybe it will....

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Magnetic Nanoparticles

New research in The FASEB Journal suggests that with magnetic guidance, specially designed magnetic nanoparticles can help deliver genes to injured arteries, using stents as the delivery platform...

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In Defence of Art

They would then stalk, with a suitably knowing sneer creasing their upper lips, around the space and direct small troops of eager attendants to move paintings a little to the left or a little to the...

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Oliver Sin, Artist : Interview

Everybody has a unique perspective to sense and communicate. Mine is mostly comes from my musical heritage. It's like improvising in music. Science and futurology are all parts of my style....

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No Score Draw : How Movie Music Fails Us [Final Part]

'Art is not made by committee' SWP concludes his series on the art of the soundtrack...

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The most surreal science article ever.

transposable elements, or jumping genes, which are largely idle in mammals...

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Finding Chicago’s food gardens with Google Earth

Urban agriculture is promoted as a strategy for dealing with food insecurity, stimulating economic development, and combating diet-related health problems in cities....

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Hanging Offence: Arts Canteen

Arts Canteen is a new UK-based arts venture that explores intercultural artistic relationships between the Middle East and the UK. Trebuchet meets Kelvin De Veth, curator and link-maker....

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