contemporary art

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Gabby Young and Other Animals – The Tabernacle, Notting Hill

“We’re all in this together”, World Connection records. 20th November 2010. I first encountered Gabby Young and Other Animals at Glastonbury 2010, one of those wandering encounters...

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Pam Glew: Circus

Red Bull Studios, London Bridge 26/11/10 – 02/12/10 The second major exhibition by popular emerging artist Pam Glew has all the trappings of punk nostalgia, mixed up with celebrity noir. Portraits...

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Benoit Pioulard – Lasted

The shimmering delight of Lasted by Seattle émigré Benoit Pioulard AKA Thomas Meluch is a massively inspired vehicle of brilliance. A gushing Trebuchet review. ...

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Scientists Get Closer to Invisibility Cloak

Scientists have come a 'huge step' closer to developing a material that bends light around an object, a property that aims to make things invisible....

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Television the Drag on the Nation

Television has struggled enormously to cope with the technological paradigm shift of the internet...

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iDose Therefore I Am

Panic in the Bytes of Digital Music: Featuring Cyber-mums fed moral panic by sensationalist media in An Old Scare Gets a Brave New Update. Stop me if you’ve heard this before. Your child is...

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Standing Our Ground: Land reclamation in Bevere, Venezuela.

In the Bevere community, located outside Tucani, Venezuela the push for agricultural reform and ‘endogenous development’ is the government’s reported attempt to reduce the poverty and...

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Zidane: A Strange Form Of Love

Zidane and Camus unlikely bedfellows a discussion of the film and it's implications...

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Stop The War: Or What?

The War on Terror is unquestionably the dominant security discourse of our times. It has reshaped our worldwide strategic perspective, reoriented our approach to policing and airport security, and...

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999 Emergency

999 Emergency...

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Obama : After the Future, All is Change

Obama is preaching 'change' but how does that work as a broad concept let alone an election promise? ...

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