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Digging for Drugs

Uncultured bacteria from the environment could provide a dazzling array of new molecules, many of which could become new medicines...

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Every myth is a memory, formed through complex layers of tellings through time.

OE: Orpheus and Euridice: For the next half an hour music and poetry weaved in and out of each other in a richly discursive mesh of words and sounds, sometimes obscuring and at other times refining...

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Drug Levels Spike in Rivers Near Festivals

Concentrations of ketamine (a controlled substance), caffeine, acetaminophen and other contaminants increased in rivers near the festival...

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Trust me, I Smell Like an Old Lady

Aromatherapy researcher Roberta Sellaro's recent findings suggest that the smell of lavender promotes trust....

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Your Computer or Your Family : Who Knows You Better?

Given enough Likes, the computers came closer to a person's self-reported personality than their brothers, mothers or partners...

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Posting Selfies is The Path to Misery

People who score higher on self-objectification post more selfies, which leads to more feedback from friends online, which encourages them to post even more photos...

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Nano-Engineering New Knees…. Nice!

Medical researchers may have found a way to integrate an artificial ligament with native bone using nanotechnology. ...

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Donor : Against All

Schappert takes material from the present-day and brings out the dystopian aspects of a much closer and less-glamourous dystopian future....

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Cancer : Do You Feel Lucky?

You can add to your risk of getting cancers by smoking or other poor lifestyle factors. However, many forms of cancer are due largely to... bad luck. report...

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Hell Is Other People(‘s Stuff)

We inherited the shaded glades and sunlight-dappled gardens of Heaven but we have made our world a burning hell....

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How to WIN at Christmas

Science-approved method for guaranteed wins at the Christmas dinner table....

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Humble Pie : The Joy of Humility

Analysis found two clusters of traits that people use to explain humility, and furthermore, found benefits....

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Walking With Plants

Is a Native American Church peyote ceremony less shamanistic than a Neo-Pagan sweat-lodge simply by virtue of its using a teacher plant? ...

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Do Your Teeth Help You Remember?

The memory and walking speeds of adults who have lost all of their teeth decline more rapidly than in those who still have some of their own teeth...

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Tanned Pilots : The Secret

Airline pilots can be exposed to cockpit radiation similar to tanning beds...

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Easter Islanders’ Fuzzy Teeth Reveal Moai Mystery

Hardened plaque from ancient teeth is helping resolve the question of what plant foods Easter Islanders relied on before European contact....

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(No) Token Gestures

The circumstances of its birth have made Token determined to follow its own agenda and pay no attention to passing trends, focussing on what it sees as the most important elements of what it calls...

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Nuclear Isotopes Show Where The Life Is

How star dust - the remnants of exploded stars - plays a role in the formation of life-supporting planets...

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11 Months Old and Jailed By Israel

With its brutalization of children, Israel is sowing the seeds for a bloody and hate filled future....

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Taylor Momsen, Acoustic [Live]

When she chooses, Momsen has the ability to convey emotion, forgivably narcissistic emotion, but emotion nonetheless....

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Too Much Memory : Data and the Ageing Brain

Older individuals take in more at the same time as the stability of their visual perceptual learning declines....

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Suspicion : Jerwood Encounters

Much of the exhibition literature talks of the legacy of film and photography, but the internet and its spawned cacophony of imagery and new modes of looking is clearly also a player in this...

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Milk’s Longterm Human Legacy

The milk of all three major dairy livestock--cattle, sheep and goats--has been consumed by human populations for at least 5,000 years...

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Anselm Kiefer : Royal Academy

When Kiefer is at his best we don’t need the leaden symbolism of diamonds, not when the mud and filth of paint can carry the weight of time and gold...

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Bigger WiFi, Broader Broadband

New WLAN networks might reach communication partners at a distance of several kilometers....

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Blitzing Your Baggage: Terahertz Screening

Screening devices using terahertz waves could make public spaces more secure than ever. Report...

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Terry Riley and Africa Express at Tate Modern [Film]

Tate Modern and Africa Express present Terry Riley’s In C Mali is released online on 27 November at The Space...

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Transatlantic Ash Cloud Chaos Imminent

Another ash-cloud drama could be imminent, this time with consequences for trans-Atlantic as well as European travel. Report...

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Teach Yourself to Hear Purple

A nine-week training programme sees if adults without synaesthesia can develop the key hallmarks of the condition. Report...

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Adam X : Irreformable

Adam X is open and unashamed about his industrial/EBM connections, in sad contrast to some other producers...

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