digital art

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Video Games Make Kids Bad (Again)

Possible effects of violent video games go well beyond violence to apply to substance use, risky driving and risk-taking sexual behavior...

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Israel and Gaza : Same Old, Same Old

Extremism needs dysfunction to flower...

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Kendal Calling : Festivals, Politics and Culture

Kendal Calling’s strength comes from its ability to tap into and play host to what has emerged since the digital revolution gave bands and artists the ability to promote themselves....

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Teaching Computers Bad Grammar

Developing grammar-correcting software that could be tailored to a user's specific linguistic background....

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Takahito Irie : Interview

I like the Sci-fi stuff. We always harbour desire and imagination for future life, and humans are making it real....

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New Light on Dinosaur Extinction

A long-standing debate about the source of the asteroid that impacted the Earth and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs has been put to rest...

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Neil Gaiman at the Barbican

For an hour or so, we could almost taste the wetted air of foggy heaths and breathe the scent of mythical caves....

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Send Scriptonite to Palestine!

This is not a conflict, it is a slowly unfolding genocide....

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Contemporary Sculpture, Zabludowicz Collection

At the Zabludowicz Collection, it is not just our perception of different media that is challenged, but also our relationships to time, scale, colour, form and materials...

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The Millenial Tofu Surprise

Tofu's new champion recruits are 20-something women who want dishes that are quick, easy to cook and that can help keep them trim...

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Austerity = Kids Eating from Bins

Logic has been ignored – and now we have children eating scraps from bins to survive. ...

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Application : System Fork

Fascinating hybrid forms that don't fit easily into genres, but operate along a fluid ambient/electronica/electro spectrum...

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Googling Pregnancy Advice

Following the women's first visit to the obstetrician, many of them still turned to the Internet -- in the form of both search engines and social media -- to find answers to their questions...

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Left-Handers Mostly Born in Winter

On a monthly average, 8.2 percent of left-handed men were born during the period February to October. During November to January, this number rose to 10.5 percent...

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Kangaroos and their Fifth Leg

Unusual gaits by unusual animals, such as pentapedal walking by kangaroos, provide insight into the breadth of solutions available to the same biomechanical problem...

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Tav Falco’s Urania Descending [Film]

Grab the chance to lurk in the swampwaters of Tav Falco's imagination at the London premiere of his latest film: Urania Descending....

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Time for the Twitter Bubble to Burst

If your Twitter row is resulting in someone being fired, imprisoned or put at risk, it is time to get some perspective on your internet use...

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Congratulations! (If you made it to 30)

More Americans between the ages of one and 30 die from injury than from any other cause...

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Fourth of July Spitroast

There's a whole lot of meat between the rooter and the tooter so that means there's little point in getting it on unless the whole neighbourhood is coming...

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Naked from the Waist Down

'No matter how well prepared you are, you can’t predict all the uncertainties.' A half-naked man proves a metaphor for travel in Africa....

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Can Analytics Drive Creativity?

For some this questions appears to be the unholy marketing spawn of a top floor baking table. For others, knowledge and data have always facilitated the creative market. ...

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Metrist : The People Without

These are not clean, conventional productions and are all the more interesting for it. ...

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Mixed Race Couples Spread the Love

Couples that interacted with couples of another race showed a greater positive attitude toward the other group. News...

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Empire’s Ghost Pt. 3 : Scottish Nationalism

Scottish Nationalism has always been just a reaction to a changing world, and an attempt to find a place in it...

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Hans Bouffmyhre

Four different tracks from an album given different treatments. Hans Bouffmyhre's Where I Belong remixes. Review...

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Fatherhood and the Work/Life Balance

There is no "one size fits all" image of how men view their role as fathers within the context of the workplace...

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Empire’s Ghost Pt. 2 : Scottish Nationalism

Although the precise question of Scotland’s relationship with Union is rightly a question for Scots, the nature of that Union is a matter for all...

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Empire’s Ghost : Scottish Nationalism

In a sense, this is Scotland’s guilty secret. Independence was not taken by the English, but given up by Scots....

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Answer Code Request : Code

While this is not an “in your face” album, the best of these precisely engineered tracks have a strong pulse and circulation...

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Unconscious Archives #13

An international line up of live audiovisual improvisations producing tangible sound and visceral vision, corporeal signals and audience interference....

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