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Bolder : Hostile Environment

There's no catharsis and no release, only an extended crawl through the wreckage...

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The NHS ‘Permanent Frontier’

We either acquiesce to the piecemeal destruction of our public services, or we remove all support for those who seek to destroy them....

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Films are Better Boozy

Exposure to alcohol portrayals in the media – including movies, but also advertisements and digital media such as Facebook – can encourage drinking in young people...

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Hormazd Narielwalla

Hormazd Narielwalla’s work is a celebration of both ancient tailoring techniques, collage and the human form. ...

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Summer Cooking : Mayonnaise

Onwards, to the savoury custard of kings....

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The Arguments that Kill Men

Men seemed to be particularly vulnerable to the worries and demands generated by their female partners, with a higher risk of death....

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Rush Vinyl Competition

Sign up to our newsletter for the chance to win Rush's legendary debut on limited edition vinyl with loads of extras....

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Shafting the Welfare State

The reality of social enterprise hides behind opaque language and mysterious ‘third sector’ jargon that alludes to volunteerism and good intentions. The key word is ‘enterprise’. They are run...

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You’re Going to Fail (Doesn’t Work)

Students who said they felt threatened by their teachers' messages that frequently focused on failure reported feeling less motivated ...

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D S C R D : Interview

Some people react more poetically, have nice abstract or artistic concepts, create an imaginary world or whatever. We do not have any of this....

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Killing Joke In Dub

A cornucopia of delights released from Killing Joke ...

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NASA Astronauts to Drink Urine

NASA face the challenges of dealing with urine in space. News item...

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Patriotism and Silence

How can the U.S. not be a haunted land? The country's blood-soaked soil chants songs of lamentation. ...

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Black Police Good For Comedy Value

'many United States citizens are not ready to accept an African-American in a serious authoritative role'...

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Smokers Can’t Taste Bitter

Accumulation in the body of some tobacco or combustion products may hamper the regeneration of taste buds. News item...

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Control Freakery for Control Freaks

Researchers develop insights into the processes upon human interaction, and ways in which to control them. ...

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Sanctions vs. Tax Havens in the New Cold War

As long as tax havens reign, Western sanctions will have little effect on Russian aggression....

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Football is ‘Subject to laws of Physics’ Shocker!

A simple rule governs the complex dynamics of the ball and the team's front-line...

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Sarcasm, Cynicism, and International Relativism

Cynicism and sarcasm don't have a place in international affairs. Let's fight for what's right....

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Armchair Activism (Apathy in the UK)

Social media can activate interpersonal ties but won't necessarily turn ordinary citizens into hyper-activists...

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Caliban versus Slough Feg versus Nocturnal Breed

It’s immature, it’s juvenile and it will never, ever grow up. ...

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Cancer-Killing Coffee?

Recent research has shown that caffeine also has a good side. It can kill cancer cells. ...

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Chavs and Austerity

For those of us caught in austerity, there was no shock. Austerity is a forced return home....

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Why Women (and Patriarchy) Prefer Tall Men

According to the study data, the dominant reasons females cited for preferring a tall partner are matters of protection and femininity....

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Uwe Schmidt / Atom TM : Interview

I never touched the topic of "harmonies" or "musical notes"… everything was just "rhythmical sound", that either "worked" or "did not work"....

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Unhand Those Beats! Software detects audio plagiarism

Fraunhofer IDMT's "PlagiarismAnalyzer" detects identical melodies and samples (whole portions of a song) in a matter of seconds....

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Flying Snakes, Flying

The snake's body works like an aerofoil to generate lift forces to keep it airborne...

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A Touch of Froth : Beer Dynamics.

New research explains beer's rapid transformation from a liquid to a foamy state as the result of an impact....

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Do Narcissists Make Better Bosses?

The risk-taking and persuasiveness of narcissists may make them strong leaders in the midst of chaos....

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Wind Power to Fight Wind Power

Installing wind power plants at certain favorable locations in a power grid can make the grid more robust against extraneous disruptions...

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