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DV8: Can We Talk About This? [Theatre/Dance]

'I'm an artist who's interested in real issues, not just pretty shapes' ...

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Maz Totterdell: Sweep

Puppyskinner, nonce. What more? Elitist pseud, naysaying neverwas, pen-envious killjoy bubble-burster. Or, as Samuel Beckett worded his most venomous insult – 'CRITIC!'. For what or who...

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Band and Brand: The View from the Corporation

Music and arts fans are used now to seeing the debate on artist sponsorship portrayed from the point of view of the artist. Sacha Taylor-Cox voices it from the brand's side. What is less...

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City Lights Concert Series: Chips, Blossom and Hopscotch

City Lights Concert Series: Chips, Blossom and Hopscotch. News work by challenging the edge of music. …  Cathy Lane – Tweed Cathy Lane – Hidden Lives Viv Corringham –...

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Music in the Age of No-Effort

‘97,751 albums released in a year’, Jeremy Schlosberg examines the implications of music market gluttony. I was talking to a music industry acquaintance on the phone not long ago and he...

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Louder Than War: First Videos

Musician, journalist, author, presenter and owner of a very silly hairdo – John Robb has long been a vociferous defender of indie music and the leftie sensibilities that are traditionally...

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Brighton’s Great Escape Host ‘DIY’ Music Forum

'You've got to think of yourself as a brand, man. And, like, put download links on your FaceBook page and GO VIRAL!' Finding a way to make the music industry work for you takes more than...

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General Surgery:  ‘A Collection of Depravation’ Full Album Streaming Online

General Surgery:  ‘A Collection of Depravation’ Full Album Streaming Online Swedish goregrind legends GENERAL SURGERY are currently streaming their entire singles compilation A...

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Electric Deluxe Releases [Techno]

Codex Europa reviews a series of techno releases on Speedy J's Electric Deluxe imprint Speedy J's Electric Deluxe is a reliable label that continues to issue a steady flow of thoughtful,...

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Elfin Saddle: Devastates

I love it when music fascinates me. It's a rare, almost extinct occurrence nowadays, having had my ears sanded down and numbed by years of exposure to the ever-expanding, if not broadening,...

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Emma Sywyj, Photographer: Interview

Photographer Emma Sywyj has a wry approach to her craft. Sean Keenan interviews Emma Sywyj about her photography and travelling in the UK. ...

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Cafe OTO Launch Record Label

Cafe OTO, Keiko and Hamish's Dalston emporium of Japanese snackery curates consistently-brilliant live music concerts, and pops up in Trebuchet's gig listings more often than just about any...

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Transition Gallery’s ‘First Thursdays’

As we approach the end of February, the galleries of East London start buzzing in anticipation for the First Thursday of the month – the day it all happens. I talk to the Director of Transition...

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Evy Jane: Sayso and Ohso (+Remixes)

I know the sexualisation of R&B has been overdone to a point where it has become sexually gratifying, big arses and jiggly tits sitting and dancing on Hummers, where the amount of fuel one can...

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Trace Elements: Can I Have A Word?

Several months back at an advertising agency I won’t mention (coughs Billington Cartmell) I was pitching potential straplines for a Panasonic camera campaign. Its artwork featured a suited City...

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A Journey To The End Of Empire: Pt. 1

It Is Always Darkest Right Before It Goes Completely Black "When the poet stands at nadir the world must indeed be upside-down. If the poet can no longer speak for society, but only for himself,...

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The sound of us not dismissing anyone’s ideas (Islet)

Islet's stunning debut album, on which 'Guitar figures drone in and drown out vocal lines, cymbal-heavy rhythms pile in and utterly demolish all that is in the rest of the sound-picture, discordant...

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Spirits, Madness, and Love.

Life as lived in a late empire, in which one's humanity is deemed only worth its value in dollars to the corporate state. Wherein one's identity is flooded by the come-ons and emotional...

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Negotiating a Landscape of Hypocrisy

When Bill Clinton and his scary, scary libido stalked the public realm, Republicans warned his presence was so anathema to all things holy that his hot breath served to salt the wings of choirs of...

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Interesting Times: SOPA

Politics has rarely concerned itself with the intelligent. The art of persuasion is neutered by the intelligent person's demands for data. Where will the money for schools, libraries, hospitals...

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OWS 2012: Still Resisting

In my opinion, when people opine that the OWS movement is about — or should be about — the airing of this particular grievance or that it must bandy this or that particular demand —...

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The Free Music Mirage

Putting an End to a Persistent Illusion Steadily, over the course of the last 10 years, the idea that recorded music "has" to be free has been transformed from a radical stance taken by...

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Multitasking Bats

Driving whilst listening to a partner yelling instructions? Hardly ideal. Luckily, bats are pretty good at it. Although perhaps not the one in the video…. Washington, D.C. – Imagine...

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The Tyranny of Novelty

We hear it over and over again (even though it is not yet precisely true): people don’t want to pay for recorded music. And what is recorded music? Music that has been thoughtfully written and...

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Make Better Music 68: Words and Music

Writing music comes easily to me for the most part, I’ve usually got a surplus of ideas, so the only the most interesting actually get worked on. The more derivative and unimaginative ideas get...

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Everything Looks Like a Nail: The “Social Music” Fallacy

I was listening to an album on Spotify the other day when I heard an ad between tracks that was promoting Spotify itself, focused on how “social” the service is. Because after all, as the ad...

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Capturing the Moment – Bill Hale Interview

For over 30 years Bill Hale has captured the hairs and prayers of a generation of rock and roll players. the Metallicas, the Megadeths, the Slayers......

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Johnny Foreigner release “You vs Everything” poster single

Johnny Foreigner release “You vs Everything” poster single 5th December Johnny Foreigner follow up the release of their third album (with their highest ever first week sales) and two...

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Make Better Music 67: Raw Power and Sophistication

For some, measured, intelligent songwriting skills are the pinnacle of musical enjoyment, for others it can be the antithesis of what music is there for - the expression of raw emotion....

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Peter Broderick: Music for Confluence

The somewhat fantastical world of Erased Tapes record making continues with Peter Broderick's Music for Confluence. After the happy accident in which Nils Frahm's efforts not to wake the...

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